
The Renegade Raider | Dating Method (Inc. The Ghoul Trooper Dating Method)

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The Renegade Raider | Dating Method (Inc. The Ghoul Trooper Dating Method)

OBS: This is NOT manipulation advice, nor want to develop toxic traits around men.

  • Learn about the psychology of attraction.
    Whether it's messaging a chick online regarded, or IRL.
  • Learn WHAT to say to a girl to not MESS things up BETWEEN you and her.
  • Learn the importance of APPLYING DOMINANCE in a relationship.
  • Learn HOW the FEMALE MIND works, and how to spark their interests.
  • Learn how the HUMAN MIND picks up various affection triggers and how to use them effectively.
  • Learn EXACTLY WHAT to MESSAGE a female when getting to know her.
  • Learn EXACTLY HOW to RETAIN that affection after months, if not years.
  • Learn how to become that BAD BOY all the girls were CHASING at a certain age.
  • Learn how to become that guy who DOESN'T TAKE SHIT from girls, to make them bend to your standards.
  • Learn how to know if a girl ACTUALLY WANTS YOU, and what attraction signs are easy to spot.

However, I will emphasize that this advice is not about manipulation but rather an educational insight into dating dynamics.

Perfect for those looking to understand the psychology of attraction.

The Renegade Raider Dating Method | 2024, Crispy

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Last updated Feb 10, 2024

The BEST and CLEAREST step-by-step guide out here, teaching you about dating psychology.

Age Recommendation
Will this fix my relationships, genuinely?
Yes, this method will make you re-think some of your past choices with girls. It will teach you how to have a certain mindset when it comes to having girls that talk to you. This E-Book goes through all common mistakes to avoid whether it's a girl you've recently started talking to, or if it's your girlfriend.
I haven't had many relationships before, can I still learn?
Yes, this E-Book will be the perfect choice for anyone who wants to learn about female nature BEFORE they get into relationships to not mess it up in the first place.
Who wrote this E-Book?
This E-Book is written by "Crispy" who've had various relationships and was known for having the most girls after him within 3 years of being in known communities.
How to Read?
PDF File will be sent over when bought. And, an audiobook.
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